

Guidelines for business partners.

To ensure that e-invoices will be processed smoothly, we ask our business partners to pay attention to the following. In principle, the invoice must contain all mandatory information in accordance with Section 14 (4) of the German VAT Act.

What type of invoices can be processed?
- X-invoice according to EN-16931 (UBL oder UN/CEFACT)

How should the e-mails be structured?
- The XML must be embedded in the PDF.
- The XML must not be attached again in the e-mail.  

- The standards according to UBL or UN/CEFACT must be complied with.
- They must comply with the EN16931 standard. 
- If a PDF invoice is sent in addition to the XML file, both files must have the same name except for the extension. Example: Invoice1234.xml & Invoice1234.pdf
- If possible, do not include any other attachments such as terms and conditions, etc. in the e-mail.

Which additional field must the e-invoice contain?
BT-13 (Buyer Reference):  Order number from EgeTrans (9 digits) OR department of the buyer (we will inform you on request).

If you have any questions about the e-invoice, please contact us – we will be happy to help you.