US Customs and Border Protection introduces the sending of freight messages


Inaccurate freight descriptions lead to rejected freight documents.

Freight documents are being rejected: The reason? Inaccurate freight descriptions.

The efficiency of global trade depends largely on accurate and clear freight descriptions. Recently, however, increased attention to the accuracy of these descriptions has led to increased scrutiny. On 1 April 2024, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) implemented the nationwide mailing of cargo notices regarding inaccurate product descriptions through the ACE Cargo Release system.

The purpose is to communicate with those responsible for shipments whose cargo descriptions are inaccurate. This applies to freight forwarders and other parties that submit electronic cargo data to CBP.

Importers are encouraged to review the reports carefully and work with the shipper and bill of lading issuer to avoid problems with future shipments. Vague descriptions such as "accessories" or "parts" will no longer be accepted. Agents and freight forwarders who issue their own waybills will be required to check the information for compliance with the freight declaration rules.

The aim is to ensure that freight descriptions on commercial invoices clearly state what the freight is.

In light of these developments, we recommend that all companies carefully review their freight documentation and ensure that it meets the strict requirements of Customs and Border Protection.

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